Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What if you have to go to the bathroom during drivers ed?

random i know, but during drivers ed i heard alot of the time you have to be in the car for more than 2 hours or so, 1 hour you driving and another hour the other kid driving. so i was wondering, would they let you stop and use the restroom someplace if you can't hold it?|||you probably can, im starting road lessons next friday!

and if i have to go illl pull over!! haha|||What if you have to puke during drivers ed ?|||lol!

Believe it or not, the hours go by really quickly. If you can, go to the bathroom before drivers ed and refrain from drinking water a lot beforehand.|||Stopping sure beats the alternative. Sure, the instructor will let you use the lav. Why wouldn't he?|||That's why you go before you leave. Duh. Unless you have bladder issues, you shouldn't have to go again in 2 hours.|||pull into gas station...make sure to use your signals|||This is actually a really smart question.. I suppose they just gotta hold it in though !!|||What do you think recyclable bottles are for? ;)|||if u dont wanna leave just wear a pad and pi$$ in it lol jk unless you want to|||port-a-john and port-a-jane...

just tell the teacher they will figure it out.

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